Pedestal jewelry cases

Your jewelry presentation is a very important aspect that can lead to generating sales. Customers do not always know exactly what they are looking for when it comes to purchasing jewelry and that is why it is essential to cater your jewelry displays to your target buyers.

Make the jewelry the focus. Be careful to not let your merchandise become hidden by your display materials and other accessories. It can be easy to get carried away decorating displays, but sometimes less is more.

Our pedestal jewelry cases will make your jewelry simply look incredible. Manufactured with high quality materials that keep that elegant taste that your exhibition pieces need.

Utilize a variety of mirrors in several places in your store. Customers will want to view themselves at all angles when trying on jewelry. Having mirrors encourages customers to try on pieces and will make them more likely to make that final purchase.

You can even strategically place mirrors closer to sales associate stations, so you can ask if they need any assistance.  Choose colors, size and shape according to your needs, give us a call and we’ll be happy to assist you.